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3 Tips for College Freshmen

You’re excited to be moving out on your own for the first time, are full of hopes for your college experience and starting a new season of life.  But in order to have a smooth transition into college life, it’s important to make sure that you’ve thought through some of the basics.

  1. Don’t Forget to Plan
  • Do you have quick and easy access to your money for emergencies?  Whether your car breaks down, you have a family emergency and need to travel, or even if that textbook costs more than you had anticipated, knowing how you can access your money will save you a lot of stress and anxiety.
  • Pack light and bring snacks!   It’s always easy to over pack, but no one wants to have a roommate whose possessions take up more than their allotted space in the room.   Be considerate of your new roommate that you have to share space with and perhaps decide to leave behind some of the non-essentials.  And snacks?  They’re just always a good idea, and depending on the snack, they could help you make healthier eating choices as you get settled into a new place and routine.
  1. Make Healthy Decisions

Every decision you make has consequences. Some consequences are positive, some are negative. In order to make an informed decision about a behavior, you need to be fully aware of the risks to yourself and others both now and in your future. Some higher risk health hazards such as casual sexual relationships or choosing to use unhealthy substance such as drugs and alcohol are prevalent in universities – but do you know how these choices could affect your future?

If you find yourself concerned about the consequences of your sexual behavior, make an appointment today at The Resource Center. Located just blocks from UNC and with close access from AIMS Greeley, our resources are FREE to you and confidential.  Here are some of the services we can offer you:

  • Free pregnancy tests and confidential pregnancy, advisement & mentoring
  • Abortion information
  • Sexual health assessments with registered nurses
  • Free STD testing and (if needed) treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
  1. Make Friends & Take a Break! 

Take one day a week to reflect and refresh!  While studying hard and using your time wisely will help you graduate on time, don’t forget to take some time invest in relationships and rest.  It can be easiest to default to binge-watching Netflix when you’re feeling tired after a full week, but getting fresh air and exercise will actually recharge your body and give you more energy. Talk to someone new and invite them to go exploring. Try hiking in our Colorado Rockies or even our plains. Getting away helps you refresh and being active will get you ready for the full week of studying you have ahead!