GREELEY  970.353.2673      WINDSOR 970.833.1679      Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline 877.558.0333

Summer Dates

What’s fun during summer? Picnics, boating, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors in Colorado are fun! What do you know about your date? Exciting, fun-loving, good looking? What do you what to remember about your summer?

I remember a summer romance that included picnics, the beach, a boat ride, an ancient Indian ballpark, and driving lessons. Yes, we got engaged and married and he still teases me about my driving even though he was the one who taught me.

Your relationship will go farther and leave better memories when you choose activities that leave room for talking. Since it takes 300 hours of talking to get to know someone to the point of trusting them, plan things like going to a parade, group picnics, helping a neighbor, going to the zoo, miniature golf, taking a dance class, free movies at Greeley parks’ “neighborhood nights”, bike-ride the Poudre Trail, go out for breakfast…

The Resource Center has lists of date ideas and we also have information about the unwanted consequences of unplanned sexual experiences. You don’t want to add a STD infection or unplanned pregnancy to your summer memories.

We have a fun relationship quiz you can take to see how healthy your relationship is and what to do if there are red flags present.  When the relationship becomes sexual, we usually skip finding out about the other, more important things about this partner.  Yet did you know that sex bonds us to our partners with a brain connection making it harder to break up?   Multiple sexual partners actually lessen your ability to bond when you are ready to commit in the future!

Keep your summer fun and carefree without sexual activities for entertainment, in order to avoid the worries over breakups or sexual health. Make some pleasant memories – for keeps.

Contact us if an unplanned sexual encounter has you thinking you might be pregnant or needing an abortion, or worried about STDs.  We have trained, knowledgeable nurses and advisors who will walk with you no matter what situation you are facing.   Phone us today!

Contact us if an unplanned sexual encounter has you thinking you might be pregnant or needing an abortion, or worried about STDs.  We have trained, knowledgeable nurses and advisors who will walk with you no matter what situation you are facing.   Phone us today!