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Why Women Choose Abortion

The choice for abortion is a very personal, and often complicated, decision.  Although there is some data collected about the number of abortions performed each year, the reasons why women or couples choose to have an abortion is much less studied and discussed.  The few studies that have been performed list multiple reasons why women choose abortion. The top reasons listed are: financial, timing of the pregnancy, and relationship problems.1, 2

When women were asked to choose the most important reason for having an abortion, 25% of the women said that the timing was not right or that they did not want another child at that time, 23% said that they couldn’t afford to have a baby at that time, and 19% said that they were done having children, had grown children, or felt done having other people depending on them.2   Having an abortion performed due to medical concerns or due to rape is often cited as a reason that an abortion is “medically necessary.” However, when women were surveyed, having an abortion due to rape or incest was only cited as a contributing factor in the decision for 1.5% of the women.  Having an abortion due to health of the mother or health of the baby was the most important reason for only 7% of the women and a contributing reason for abortion for only 25% of the women.2 In another study, health of the mother or baby was only listed as a major reason for choosing an abortion by 12% of the women.1   

Other reasons given by women for choosing to have an abortion included: feeling too young or immature to have a baby, feeling as if having the baby would interfere with future plans (such as education and career opportunities), feeling pressured to have an abortion by another person (partner, parents, or other family members or friends), needing to focus on other children, not wanting people to know that the mother had sex or got pregnant, and not feeling emotionally and mentally prepared to be a parent.1,2    

Whatever the reason that an individual is thinking about an abortion, there are always options and resources available that may help that individual.  If you know of anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy, The Resource Center has trained individuals who can provide support and information to the individual.  Every woman deserves love and support when facing an unexpected pregnancy. You can get more information by visiting or by contacting us at (970) 353-2673.


  1. Biggs, M.A., Gould, H., & Foster, D.G. (2013). Understanding why women seek abortions in the US. BMC Womens Health, 13(29). doi: 10.1186/1472-6874-13-29
  2. Finer, L.B., Frohwirth, L.F., Dauphinee, L.A., Singh, S., & Moore, A.M. (2005). Reasons U.S. women have abortions: Quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 37(3). 110-118. Retrieved from