GREELEY  970.353.2673      WINDSOR 970.833.1679      Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline 877.558.0333

Words from “Mom”

Relationships. The world revolves around relationships. We search for love, security, and meaning in a world that is relationally transient. Does this sound frantic? The world we live in is so fast-paced and moving on before we barely say hello.

Many people do not find closeness with another and only commit to relationships that are distant.  These may seem safe; but cheat the person of a meaningful sharing.

How to find the right person with whom to spend the rest of your life? Slow down and really look: what is the basis of your relationship? Take the time to know a person fully and tell your hormones to shove off because this is important. Be choosy. You are valuable, worthy of so much more than a brief moment where your body is engaged, but not your soul. Do not ever settle for a moment, for you are worth a lifetime.

Just changing this one relational puzzle piece would make the world a better place. How amazing would it be to have a heart-smart generation of adults who are wise enough to not get caught up in the tangles of speed relationships!

Sometimes a relationship can come with unplanned results. . .such as an unexpected pregnancy or a potential STD. We are located in both Greeley and Windsor Colorado, offering free pregnancy tests and STD testing.  Take some time for you.  Visit us to check your health and talk with a caring individual.   Phone 970-353-2673 to set up your appointment today.