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We’ve Been There Too – Part One

When you come for an appointment at The Resource Center, you can expect to talk to someone who cares for you and is able to share the information you need to make informed decisions.  Many of our advisors have been there too…perhaps scared about a potential pregnancy and not knowing what to do. Below one of our advisors shares her story about a relationship and pregnancy scare.

When I was in high school I was really interested in dating. I don’t know what it was. Maybe I was watching too many romantic comedies, or perhaps it was part of coming of age, but I wanted a boyfriend. I had gone through several short relationships and nothing was really feeling like I thought it would until I met this one guy. He seemed absolutely perfect. He was handsome, athletic, kind of a “bad boy”, and he seemed really in to me. When we started dating I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. And after a while, the relationship was still going and that made me really excited. I was thinking in my head, “What if this relationship lasts after high school? Would we get married some day?” He had joked with me about that too. He would say things like “Yea when we are married we’ll go here, or move there, or do this and that”.  I was on cloud nine.

But then after a while things started to change little by little. When we spent time together he started to not pay as much attention to me. And then he wasn’t nice to me all of the time and started saying some really hurtful things about my appearance, personality, or other things. At first he just made comments to me, and then the comments gradually started being made in front of my friends, and even in front of my family. And then came one fateful day when my period just didn’t come. I was shocked. How could this happen? We were always so careful. When I worked up the courage to tell him about my period being late he actually seemed really caring. He said that he would help me through this and that we would figure it out together. But at that time, I was just so terrified about telling my parents. I couldn’t really process what he was saying.

Click here to read the rest of the story!

If you want to talk to someone in complete confidence about your relationships, have questions about birth control, if you have questions about abortion or if you are wondering if you are pregnant and what options you have. . .Come to The Resource Center in Greeley or Windsor, where you can get FREE STD TESTS, PREGNANCY TESTS and more, in a safe and understanding environment.