Signs of Labor
Wondering what to expect? Read the three very different experiences that one of our greeters had with giving birth.
GREELEY 970.353.2673 Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline 877.558.0333
Wondering what to expect? Read the three very different experiences that one of our greeters had with giving birth.
From celebration to distress, the emotions are all over the place when you hear the words “You’re pregnant.”
No matter what your age, sometimes sharing the news that you are pregnant with your parents can range from nerve-racking to intimidating.
Coming from a college student who waited too long to study for finals – don’t follow my lead! Whether that be for the finals week coming up or getting tested for an STD or possible pregnancy.
To some it’s a 4-letter word. To others it’s a drug. And to others still, it is the foundation of happiness. I’m referring, of course, to love.
The perfect relationship makes a world of a difference. Finding that lasting companion is worth it. There can be mishaps along the way. Like an unexpected pregnancy or contracting an STD.
Relationships. The world revolves around relationships. We search for love, security, and meaning in a world that is relationally transient. Does this sound frantic? The world we live in is so fast-paced and moving on before we barely say hello.
The choice for abortion is a very personal, and often complicated, decision. Although there is some data collected about the number of abortions performed each year, the reasons why women or couples choose to have an abortion is much less studied and discussed.
Starting last fall, a labor and delivery class was developed as an educational opportunity for clients at The Resource Center and now is open to the public! The class is offered quarterly and is a 3-week class that meets one time a week for an hour.
At The Resource Center, it is our desire that each client who walks through our doors feels comfortable and welcomed and leaves with the information and resources they need for their situation. Whether you are concerned about potential STDs, an unplanned pregnancy, needing abortion information, or happy to be pregnant, we are here for you!
Here at the Resource Center, we offer free care for both men and women facing unintended pregnancies, along with free STD testing. Call 970-353-2673 to schedule your FREE STD TEST appointment or peer-advising appointment with another man about a pregnancy. And in the meantime, here’s a post by a guy, for the guys.
“I hope that you are in a better situation than I was, but if you are not, you’re not alone. . . Sometimes an outside perspective can be really helpful in understanding what is going on.” One of our caring advisors finishes sharing her story in this week’s blog.
We listen. You decide.